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Personal Hygiene in the gym 101

You might be wondering why I’m talking about personal hygiene here. Here’s my answer, it’s not talked about enough! At my seasoned age in the gym and life…and I’ve been in the gym and ski hill since I was three years old. I’m only now learning about critical female hygiene that affects my overall daily wellness! I’m thrilled to share this with you and hope you’ll tell all your friends.

Here’s three hygiene areas to focus on and simple tools to implement into your daily routine before and after the gym to make you and people abound you feel fresh! 

1. For the vulva owners…I know how much we love our lululemon yoga tight leggings and no show panties, but they can be detrimental to our vaginal health. Especially if you’re someone (I used to be 😒) who doesn't change their leggings and panties right after a workout or sits around in them all day. 

Sticking around in your sweaty leggings and panties traps bacteria and harbors an environment that can cause yeast infections and even UTI's. After a fun workout, this is the last thing we want to worry about. Here are a few things you can do to prevent this.

a). Bring a change of shorts or pants and panties to change into after class. Yes, this may be up to three pairs if you live and active lifestyle and it is hot in your climate.

b). Stop wearing tight fitting polyester plants and underwear all day. Opt for looser fitting cotton pants and cotton underwear, it's more breathable.

c). Eat probiotic rich foods, like greek yogurt and pickled veggies, and or find a probiotic supplement that works for you.

2. Have you ever hugged someone and then instead of going home with them in the flesh, you go home with their scent? Whether favorable or not, your scent is entirely personal to you, not everyone else. In a public gym environment, save the spray perfume and cologne for after your workout. Wear an antiperspirant or deodorant though! 

3. Don’t you love breaking a sweat?! It usually happens as endorphins are flowing and it gives your skin a glow. My tip is to remember to carry a towel with you for your sweat. This helps wipe away bacteria from the sweat on your skin and so you don't splash your neighbors and equipment. 

After your workout, if you plan not to shower right away, don’t forget to rinse or wash your face with cold water. This is another way to wipe away bacteria and prevent pimples. You can also use wet facial tissues too.

I hope you found these three tips helpful! For more information and custom fitness programing, be in touch!