Starting Exercise Again? (2025 edit)
Whether you’re starting exercise for the first time or re-starting after taking a break, these tools will jumpstart you toward achieving your goals.
It's just the first week of the new year and now’s a great time to revisit goals, intentions, and reflections. This is an opportunity to clear away anything that didn’t serve you from last year and add in what you truly desire for your health, wellness, and ease of life.
Let’s break it down now.
1. Choose a Big Honest Goal. Does it get you excited?!
For example, if your goal is it to feel better naked so you can gain confidence when having sex, I’m going to give you tools in having that goal met. If you have a different goal, state the goal and why you want to achieve it.
Remember, you aren’t going to get there overnight, or even after just one week. So, break down the large goal into smaller goals, or benchmark goals that can be achieved this week, and next. What’s your motivation? Get clear on this. When people have purpose behind their goals they’re more likely to meet them.
For this example above, if the goal is to feel better naked, the motivation is, so I can gain confidence when having sex.
2. Choose one to two benchmark goals, I will drink one more glass of water daily and workout twice a week on Monday and Wednesday for an hour. Be specific.
If this goal has you saying I miiiiiiiiight get to that workout for an hour on Monday, then you may want to consider choosing another day to workout that fits your schedule best, workout for less time, or choose adding a glass of water a day and see what it feels like to accomplish this only, if this is realistic for you. This is ok too!
3. Circle back in four weeks, how’d you do? Want to switch it in some way?
You got a rhythm going with your first benchmark goal of drinking more water, you did it 100% of the time! Also, you found you worked out on Monday half of the time and it’s easier to workout for an hour Wednesday because of your work schedule. Overall, you were able to accomplish your workout goal 75% of the time. Ideally we’d like the goal to be 80-100% met because life happens and we’re also in this to achieve and feel good!
Now, take a look at the Monday workout and instead of one hour, try for 30 minutes or perhaps move the workout to another day, whichever seems most realistic and doable! Then, re-assess again in two weeks.
Keep checking in with yourself week to week and you’ll be the one to know if you’re accomplishing your goal 80-100% of the time, or need to re-assess. Remember your Big Honest Goal? It is best to have been accomplishing a benchmark goal, before moving on to the next.
Be your own advocate and make sure it gets done.
I’m also here to help you stay accountable if you want! Everything will get done if your plan is realistic and do-able.
You probably already know, consistency is King (or Queen!) and is the best and only way to get attainable results. However, the most important thing in having consistency is that you like what you’re doing and are having some fun in the process!
Bonus, when people around you see you healthy and happy they want a piece of the action! Being someone’s inspo is never a bad thing when they’re about celebrating success with you!
Contact me here for professional help with exercise programming and wellness support!